Tretji WordPress Meetup Ljubljana
22. Maj 2014 – Ljubljana, tretji WordPress Meetup
Govoril je o prednostih VPS (“virtual private server”) vs. “shared hosting” serverja ter možnostih pohitritve WordPress-a, od Varnish, OPcache ter W3 total cache – 80% povečanje hitrosti spletne strani.
Posebej je izpostavil HHVM ter uporabo EngineX vs. Apache.
Govoril je o slabih straneh professionalnih WordPress tem. Izpostavil je težavo kompatibilnosti s kasnejšimi posodobitvami WordPress-a, manjkajoče/nedelujoče “child-theme” podpore pri temah, teme v paketih z različnimi plugini (kasnejšo težavo posodabljanja le-teh ter problema “multi-jquery”, ko vsak plugin naloži svojo verzija jQuery-ja)
Omenjene so bile vse najboljše tehnike za pripravo teme za večjezičnost (Poedit, Grunt tasks … )
Na primeru spletne strani Val202 je razložil uporabo plugina “Advanced custom fields” ter prednosti pri pripravi polj, katere lahko stranke same vnašajo in prilagajajo.
Magical automated way of doing animations – with Stable diffusion with Deforum extension
Let’s explore the magical of doing animations – automated and unpredicable. Yes, you input the text prompt and have general control, but the magical part is, that you let the […]
Stable diffusion AI – high resolution generated art
What is Stable Diffusion AI? Stable Diffusion is a deep learning, text-to-image model released in 2022. It is primarily used to generate detailed images conditioned on text descriptions, though it […]
Tailwind CSS – Dream way of building UI and quick landing pages
This is a quick review and demo of the “utility style CSS framework” named “Tailwindcss” – What is Tailwind CSS? Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides […]
Blender 3D | Best way to start with 3D
It’s been a while since I done 3D stills and animations and 3D Blender seems to be perfect software to start, even if you have zero experience. I have to […]