It was my turn to make a presentation for the BNI group and teach others about what we do, what 2GIKA ( it means 2GEEKS in Slovenian ) company is and how we work.

Since I was 10 ( 20-ish years ago ) PowerPoint was the only tool I used for presentations. Yes it was fun at the beginning for a about a year or two, except I always needed a whole day to make a crappy looking presentation, with wrong color combinations, wrong font size, too many animations etc. Editing this thing over many slides was always a pain. Not to talk about the imported audio or video files. I never knew what will happen if I have to change something the last minute, does other computer have the right version of PowerPoint, does it even have PowerPoint. And yes, those problems still exist today.

Since I no longer use Windows as my primary OS, I wanted to try something new and find out where are we with the html presentation solutions today.


When I found reveal.js demo page (here), I was really satisfied with the presentation and the functionality it was offering. Simple, pretty, had all the complicated parts (colors, font sizes, etc) already solved / ready, animations and effects offered everything I ever wanted and needed in presentations.

I needed only 10% of the time I would usually need

Downloaded the package and saw how things are solved for editing. Yes, it was a holy mother of god for me. I was so excited how extremely simple it was to edit slides, adding videos, making presentation “sections” or as they call it, vertical slides. Let me say it this way, I needed 10% of the time I would usually need to make a presentation like that. No fear of not working on any computer (I can say that nowadays all computers or tablets or phones have at least one decent browser), no fear of need to edit something.


I must share this simplicity with you.

<h3>web applications</h3>
<small>Presenting <a href=””>Matevž Novak</a> / <a href=””>@2gika_lab</a></small>

Screenshot from 2015-12-09 13:04:05


<h2>How a developer thinks?</h2>

Screenshot from 2015-12-09 13:08:01

Lets say hello to BNI members
<pre><code class=”hljs” data-trim contenteditable>
“Hello BNI group Karantanija!”

Screenshot from 2015-12-09 13:07:16

<section data-background-video=”assets/shoot.webm”>

Screenshot from 2015-12-09 13:09:01

<h2>Vertical slides / presentation section</h2>
<h2>Vertical slide 2</h2>
<h2>Vertical slide 3</h2>
<h2>New vertical slides / presentation section</h2>
<h2>New vertical slide 2</h2>
<h2>New vertical slide 3</h2>

Screenshot from 2015-12-09 13:10:54

Screenshot from 2015-12-09 13:13:43

For those who still want user interface for editing slides, there is a solution for you too, it’s

Till next time.