Let’s explore the colour theory a bit

When I started with webdesign, the most difficult art to master was dealing with colours. I could not put my finger on why certain colours work together and some don’t. So, understanding colours and their relationship to each other can take your designs to new heights and create amazing results.

First thing they taught us in school was there are 3 primary colours – Red, Yellow, and Blue. Any colour can be created by mixing these 3 colours.

A tool that helps us to better understand colours is the “Colour Wheel” (circular colour diagram), created by Sir Issac Newton in late 1660’s, which became the basic model for many subsequent colour systems.

Modern version of colour wheel is usually make up of 12 colours.

The modern version of the colour wheel is usually made out of 12 colours.

In the RYB colour model, the inner circle is made of primary colours; secondary colours are created by mixing 2 primary colours.

Tertiary colours are created by mixing primary and secondary colours.

Tools  that will help you to understand colours better


http://stylifyme.com/ – colour-hack any of your favourite sites to see what colours they used


adobe https://color.adobe.com/create/color-wheel/ – very reliable and useful tool from Adobe – the safest and easiest is to choose Monochromatic when selecting what goes with your favourite colour.


http://www.flatuicolorpicker.com/all – when choosing “flat” colours – this is a very useful tool



http://paletton.com/ – similar to Adobe’s colour wheel – but even more advanced



http://www.materialpalette.com/ – This is especially useful tool if you are using Material design from Google.



https://coolors.co/ – very intuitive colour generator


To master the colours choose your tool and practice a lot in your graphical program.

Till next time. Take care.